The superconscious mind

Your superconscious mind is the mind of your higher self, your true self that has always existed beyond the physical you. Understanding this truth is to remember who you truly are—a spiritual being, having a human experience.

Your true self is the you that is All-Knowing, All- Creative and All-Powerful as it is one and the same with The Absolute - your God Self. The power of the superconscious mind is the least understood and least accessed aspect of consciousness because it does not belong to the physical, emotional or mental (thinking) planes in which you're accustomed to living in the 3D Physical Plane. It belongs to the Spiritual Plane.

The superconscious mind encompasses a level of awareness that sees beyond material reality. Some refer to this as the “ether” – the essence of the universe – a flow of electromagnetic waves that permeate all matter and space. Superconsciousness is true wisdom involving intuition before reason and emotions. At this level of higher consciousness, you discover the undisturbed observer—the I within.

The superconscious mind rests above subconscious and conscious states, arousing the soul’s consciousness in the present moment within any individual human mind. It is that silent area of the mind where no past or future thoughts prevail. The psychologist F. W. H. Myers describes superconsciousness as “the treasure-house, the region that alone can explain the great, unselfish, heroic deeds of men.” The superconscious is where ideas for truly great works of art, music, prose, poetry, great scientific discoveries, and deep spiritual experiences are found. Profound healing of ailments can also take place in this state. Superconsciousness also referred to as your higher consciousness is a state of being, a state of knowing, and a state of being in harmony with the universe.

Life can be difficult when it’s not aligned with your higher consciousness. You feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety, and you can’t seem to break free. You feel trapped in this dark place and don’t know how to get out. This happens when we live from the ego. The ego is the part of us concerned with the material world and our personal desires. It’s the part of us that is always seeking more, that is never satisfied, and that is always looking for ways to get ahead. If we would simply let our ego choose our resolutions and goals, they would obviously entail the idea of the separated, discreet self because that’s what the ego does and is. The ego’s job is to create a limitation of consciousness in space and time and, therefore, identification with a body. By definition, the ego then must experience itself separate from the Divine and, therefore, must be afraid. Because it is afraid, it must suggest you to be stronger, better, more advanced, more beautiful, more intelligent or even more spiritual than others. For purpose, we must go beyond ego by asking the superconscious mind. Our purpose is giving and contributing to the lives of others so that the entire web of life, the biosphere, increases its flourishing and blossoming.

Transcending your ego - based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world and for building a better world. A world where people are humble, enlightened and pure.

You always have access to your superconscious mind—it is only ever a matter of awareness. Superconsciousness is heightened awareness, it is about being present in the moment and being aware of your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. It’s about surrendering to what is and trusting that everything will work out for the best. Living in alignment with your superconscious mind can help you uncover your true purpose in life, and lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness.

The power is within you

You have the power within you to heal, to create and to transform your life. Claim and consciously use your power to create the life you truly desire. You are a co-creator of your destiny, and the universe is your faithful partner in this incredible journey called life. Whatever you put out to the universe will come back to you. We have the power to influence our future experiences through our words, thoughts, beliefs, and actions. If we wish to seek change in our life, we must first focus on creating change from within. By enlightening individuals to connect to the power within them, life no longer becomes a matter of chance; it’s a matter of choice!

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Your reality is a mirror reflecting your inner world

Your reality is merely a mirror reflecting your inner world. Think of the universe as your ultimate mirror, reflecting back to you everything you project into it. It's like a cosmic boomerang; what you throw out, it sends back your way. It's the cosmic law of cause and effect in action, and it's more powerful than you can imagine. Your thoughts, words, beliefs, actions and emotions are like seeds that you plant in the cosmic soil, and they will eventually bear fruit.

Self Awareness, Healing & Discovery

No matter which approach one avails, the journey of healing provides a gifted opportunity for a greater understanding of ourselves (thoughts, beliefs, emotions & perceptions) and the world around around us from a neutral, loving and non-judgmental perspective. 

Challenging Limiting Beliefs

Identify and question beliefs that hinder your growth. Reprogram your thinking regarding limiting beliefs with empowering perspectives that align with your goals.

Your beliefs are the threads that weave the narrative of your reality. The power lies within you to reshape this narrative by challenging limiting beliefs, fostering a positive mindset, and crafting empowering stories. Only you can add meaning and a story to your life. So choose an empowering one. 

Cultivating a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset includes positive-oriented thoughts, beliefs, values, and attitudes, which are key factors for well-being.

Some tips for building a positive mindset include focusing on strengths and positive qualities, and practicing gratitude and self-compassion. Some other strategies include shifting attention away from negative thoughts, use of positive affirmations, positive self talk and practicing mindfulness.


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